Thursday, June 7, 2012


Basically, losing weight is burning more calories of the food we eat. It looks simple as that though, if it's that simple enough, nobody would have a weight problem then. The problem of losing weight  consistently persist as more and more people especially the women these days need to shed those
extra pounds in order to look good and healthy.

Oftentimes, we take on measures and programs hoping for quick and instant results. Losing weight too quickly can be dangerous.There are a lot of weight loss programs available but they require drastic changes in your diet and also requires extreme exercises to drive and force those extra pounds away. The problem with these programs like fad diets, pills, fasting program or exercise gadgets that promise instant success is that it may cause severe health complications and it is very difficult to keep up with them.

The secret to losing weight effectively is to take a slow and make small but steady and lasting changes. Aiming for big instant results is hard to maintain so often times you end giving up. You may have lose a weight but when you stop with the program there you gain it back again and maybe more. So forget about drastic and instant results and focus on a safe, easy but long term program.

Here are my tips on how to lose weight naturally:
  • To jump-start a lose weight program you have to overhaul your eating and lifestyle habits. Change your eating habit by reducing the amount of food that you usually eat, the kind of food and the time that you eat. You don't need to fast and go hungry.
  • Eat regularly meals. Never skip a meal especially breakfast. It's always been a wrong idea not to eat breakfast or to skip a meal so as to avoid gaining weight.
  • Eat small meals enough to make you feel full but not hungry.Instead of three big meals, eat five or six small meals.
  • Avoid added sugar on your food,
  • Avoid trans fats.
  • Reduce your carbohydrate intake like rice. and eat more on vegetables and protein
  • Drink more water. Taking a glass before meals reduces your appetite to eat more.
  • Following the above tips may not make you gain weight but maintain. So to start losing weight avoid a sedentary lifestyle. Move that ass of yours! Exercise!
  • Try to start walking and progressing to brisk walk. Walking around 2000 to 3000 steps a day will help you maintain your weight. Doing more than that around 5000 steps a day or one hour of brisk walk will burn extra calories and helps you lose some weight.
  • As much as possible avoid using the escalators and elevators.
  • Avoid the tricycles if it's a walking distance.
  • Do some stretching and simple exercise at the start. Do not overdo it. Just let it happen freely. Do it progressively until your body get used to it and it becomes your daily routine. If you do it abruptly chances are that you will quit. Some women who goes on jogging and overdo it the first day, When they get back home they get a good sleep because they are very tired. Upon waking up the tendency is to eat a lot. The following day they will have body pains and they quit afterwards.
  • Once your body has adjusted to daily exercises, slowly routines to your workouts on a weekly basis. You may add intervals, variations, weights, but always do it progressively. Keep it harder slowly. Push yourself to your limits. Remember the saying " No pain no gain" .
  • Avoid starving yourself. When you are hungry, the tendency is to over eat.
  • Use a smaller plate when eating. More food on the plate will cause you to eat more.
  • As much as possible avoid eating out. Food in restaurants are loaded with fats.
  • Eat only when you feel really hungry. At first, take a glass of water. Then if you still feel hungry that's the time to eat just enough.
  • Reduce your TV watching hours. The more time you watch TV the more is the tendency to eat more.
  • Eat fruits for snacks.
  • Make love as often as possible. It burns a lot of calories!
  • Always keep in mind of  your objective to lose weight. It's about discipline! Stay focus on your goals. Remember that what you are is what you eat!

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